Rezervacija bez provizije!
Besplatno otkazivanje većine rezervacija!
Ski season 2013/14: 15% early booking discount off the prices shown for all ski services, booked until 30.06.2013. (this discount is calculated off the price when you proceed to booking)
Naše online cene su i do 50 % niže od cene ski usluga u odmaralištima .Kartu za lift dobićete od našeg predstavnika u odmaralištu ujutru na datum početka ski usluga ili prethodne večeri , nakon sastanka sa njim / njom. Ne morate da čekate na blagajni lifta , što bi moglo da traje do 1 sat u visokoj sezoni .Rezervisanu ski opremu možete uzeti sa ski depoa , koji će vam pokazati i naš predstavnik. Važno:onlinerezervacija skijaških usluga je moguća najmanje 3 dana pre dana početka ski usluga . Rezervacija ski usluga , koja počinje u naredna 3 dana , dostupna je na zahtev.
NULL set book_transfer 1» Kliknite ovde da pogledate cene i uslove ski paketa
12% Early booking discount for ski packages (EXCEPT FOR standalone LIFT PASS) booked and paid 100% till 30 November 2024
15% Special discount for all ski services (INCLUDING standalone LIFT PASS) starting from 2 March 2025 to the end of the ski season - DOES NOT COMBINE with the Early booking discount.
- 35% Additional discount for ski packages from 13 December to 20 December 2024.
- 20% Additional discount for ski packages from 03 January to 17 January 2025.
- 20% Additional discount for ski packages from 01 March till the end of the ski season.
FAMILY PRIVATE PROFESSIONAL SKI INSTRUCTOR , 4 h lessons per day + 1 h break - 350 euros per day . Price valid for min 4 days course and up to 8 people .
We offer INDIVIDUAL SKI/SNOWBOARD TUITION request your special discounted offer here
We offer INDIVIDUAL SKI/SNOWBOARD TUITION, request your special discounted offer here